Anxiolytic Agents Quiz

Test your pharmacology knowledge by taking the following Anxiolytic Agents Quiz, share your thoughts or discuss answers below in comments.

An anxiolytic is the medication or other intervention that inhibits anxiety. This effect is in contrast to anxiogenic agents, which increase anxiety.

There are 30 questions, success score is 70%.

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1. Anxiolytics are used to treat:*
2. Anxiolytic agents should:*
3. Anxiolytics are also useful for:*
4. Indicate the agents of choice in the treatment of most anxiety states:*
5. The choice of benzodiazepines for anxiety is based on:*
6. Which of the following anxiolitics is a benzodiazepine derivative:*
7. Indicate the benzodiazepine, which has the shortest elimination half-life:*
8. Which of the following benzodiazepines has the shortest duration of action?*
9. Which of the following benzodiazepines is less likely to cause cumulative and residual effects with multiple doses?*
10. Anxiolytic dosage reduction is recommended:*
11. Which of the following benzodiazepines is preferred for elderly patients?*
12. Which of the following anxiolytics is preferred in patient with limited hepatic function?*
13. Indicate the mechanism of hypnotic benzodiazepine action:*
14. Which of the following anxiolytics is a partial agonist of brain 5-HT1A receptors?*
15. Indicate the competitive antagonist of BZ receptors:*
16. Indicate the agent, which interferes with GABA binding:*
17. Antianxiety agents have:*
18. Which of the following disadvantages does not limit using benzodiazepines as antianxiety agents?*
19. Indicate the anxiolitic agent, which relieves anxiety without causing marked sedative effects:*
20. Which of the following anxiolytics has minimal abuse liability?*
21. In contrast to benzodiazepines, buspirone:*
22. Which of the following sedative-hypnotic drugs does not potentiate the CNS depressant effects of ethanol, phenothiazines, or tricyclic antidepressants?*
23. Limitation of buspirone is:*
24. Which drugs may be used as antianxiety agents?*
25. Which of the following benzodiazepines is more likely to cause โ€œhangoverโ€ effects such as drowsiness, dysphoria, and mental or motor depression the following day?*
26. Additive CNS depression can be predicted if benzodiazepines are used with:*
27. Which dosage of benzodiazepines for 60-90 days may produce severe withdrawal symptoms?*
28. Restlessness, anxiety, orthostatic hypotension, generalized seizures, severe tremor, vivid hallucination, and psychosis are possible symptoms of:*
29. Flumazenil is used to:*
30. Flumazenil given intravenously:*
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