Autonomic Nervous System quiz. Test your knowledge now.
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Level : Hard
1. Which of the following beta-blocker drugs most widely used in prevention of bleeding veins in people with portal hypertension caused by cirrhosis?
2. Beta-blocker agent may be effective in asthmatic patient and may even promote bronchodilation
3. The cholinesterase inhibitor that is used in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is
4. An elderly female who lives in a farm house was brought to the emergency room in serious condition after ingesting a liquid from an unlabeled bottle found near her bed, apparently in a suicide attempt. She presented with diarrhea, frequent urination, convulsions, breathing difficulties, constricted pupils (miosis), and excessive salivation. Which of the following is correct regarding this patient?
5. One of your patients who is hypertensive and gets mild asthma attacks occasionally bought an herbal remedy online to help with his asthma. He is not on any asthma medications currently but is receiving a β1-selective blocker for his hypertension. The herbal remedy seems to relieve his asthma attacks, but his blood pressure seems to increase despite the β-blocker therapy. Which of the following drugs is most likely present in the herbal remedy he is taking?
6. The prolonged apnea sometimes seen in patients who have undergone an operation in which succinylcholine was employed as a muscle relaxant has been shown to be due to:
7. All of the following drugs are used topically in the treatment of chronic open-angle glaucoma. Which of these agents reduces intraocular pressure by decreasing the formation of the aqueous humour?
8. The contractile effect of various doses of norepinephrine (NE) (X) alone on vascular smooth muscle is represented in the figure. When combined with an antagonist (IC or INC), a shift in the dose response curve occurs. The curve labeled X + INC would most likely occur when vascular smooth muscle is treated with NE in the presence of
9. A 50-year-old male farm worker is brought to the emergency room. He was found confused in the orchard and since then has lost consciousness. His heart rate is 45, and his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which of the following treatments is indicated?
10. A predictably dangerous side effect of Nadolol that constitutes a contraindication to its clinical use in susceptible patients is the induction of