General pharmacology quiz. Test your knowledge with 10 pharma questions.
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Level : Hard
1. A drug with a half-life of 10 hours is administered by continuous intravenous infusion. Which of the following best approximates the time for the drug to reach steady state?
2. Which of the following statements is correct?
3. A drug, given as a 100 mg single dose results in a peak plasma concentration of 20µg/ml. the apparent volume of distribution is
4. Alkalization of urine by giving bicarbonate is used to treat patients presenting with phenobarbital (weak acid) overdose. Which of the following best describes the rationale for alkalization of urine in this setting?
5. Variation in the sensitivity of a population of individuals to increasing doses of a drug is best determination by which of the following?
6. A 40-year-old male patient (70 kg) was recently diagnosed with infection involving methicillin-resistant S. aureus. He received 2000 mg of vancomycin as an IV loading dose. The peak plasma concentration of vancomycin was reported to be 28.5 mg/L. The apparent volume of distribution is
7. A patient needs a drug that has an apparent volume of distribution of 20 L. The plan is to administer a loading dose to reach a target plasma level of 5 mcg/mL. This plasma concentration is the target steady-state concentration (CSS), and it will be maintained by subsequent oral maintenance doses. What IV loading dose would be needed to yield that 5 mcg/mL target?
8. Identical doses of a capsule preparation (X) and a tablet preparation (Y) of the same drug were compared on a blood concentration-time plot with respect to peak concentration, time to peak concentration, and AUC after oral administration as shown in the figure below. This comparison was made to determine which of the following?
9. Experiments s how that 95% of an oral 80-mg dos e of verapamil is absorbed in a 70-kg test subject. However, because of extensive biotransformation during its first pass through the hepatic portal circulation, the bioavailability was only 0.25 (25%). Assuming a liver blood flow of 1500 mL/mi n, what is the hepatic clearance of verapamil in this situation?
10. You want to estimate, following drug administration, some measure that reliably reflects the total amount of drug reaching target tissue(s) over time. The drug is being given orally. What would you assess to get the desired information?